Navigating the Bumpy Road of Back-to-School Anxiety
March 27, 2024anxietyBack to schoolmental health
Posted by
Bekah Brady
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The buzz of the alarm clock, the smell of a new backpack, and the squeak of sneakers in the hallway signal the inevitable – it's time to head back to school. But hidden beneath this familiar symphony, the silent hum of anxiety often plays for students, educators, and parents alike.
With the summer sun setting, our attention shifts to textbooks and timetables. The transition isn’t simple; it's layered with complex emotions and the potential for anxiety. Yet, understanding and preparatory steps can smooth the path.
In this post, our focus is on the roots of back-to-school anxiety and arming every member of the education triad – educators, students, and parents – with practical strategies to mitigate nervousness and establish a foundation for a rewarding academic year.