Teaching Middle Schoolers About Money


pink and white piggy bank with coins

Managing money is a critical life skill that, when learned early, can set up young individuals for financial success. Middle schoolers, standing at the cusp of becoming teenagers, are at an ideal stage to grasp basic financial concepts and apply them in everyday scenarios. The focus here isn’t just on saving pennies but on promoting a comprehensive understanding and teaching middle schoolers about money.

1. Budgeting Basics

Introduce middle schoolers to the foundational skill of budgeting. A budget is a roadmap for managing finances effectively—it teaches them to plan ahead and live within their means. A simple way to begin is by having them allocate their allowance or gift money into categories like savings, expenses, and leisure. Interactive activities, such as creating a visual budget tracker, can make this learning both educational and fun.

2. Savings and Financial Goals

Savings should be more than just a piggy bank on the shelf. Discuss the power of setting financial goals, whether it’s buying a new bike or saving for college. Encourage kids to identify their own goals, and then help them work out how much money they need to save regularly to achieve them.

3. Needs vs. Wants

Understanding the difference between needs (essentials) and wants (extras) is pivotal. Use everyday scenarios to illustrate this concept, such as choosing between buying a needed new pair of shoes for school or a wanted latest video game. Teach them to prioritize spending on needs before wants.

4. Earning and Independence

Earning gives a sense of independence. Encourage your middle schooler to earn money through age-appropriate chores or a lemonade stand, fostering entrepreneurship. This instills the idea that money is earned, not merely given.

5. Interest: Friend or Foe?

Interest can be complex, but a simple explanation can demystify it. Use relatable examples to explain how saving in a bank can grow their money over time, or, conversely, how borrowing money can lead to paying more than the borrowed amount due to interest.

6. Introduction to Investing

Investing can be exciting, and while it’s a more advanced topic, simplifying it can spur interest. Present investment as a way to potentially increase one’s savings, like planting a seed that grows into a tree over time.

7. Credit Cards and Debt

While they may not use them yet, it’s never too early to teach about credit cards and debt. Introduce the role of credit, benefits when used responsibly, and risks associated with accumulating debt.

8. Giving Back

Financial literacy also includes understanding the importance of giving. Encourage kids to allocate a portion of their savings or earnings to charity, which fosters a habit of philanthropy.

9. Tracking Finances

Show middle schoolers ways to keep track of their income and expenses using kid-friendly finance apps, spreadsheets, or even a simple notebook. This is crucial in maintaining a budget and understanding financial habits.

10. Real-Life Scenarios

In the landscape of middle school education, Troomi Wireless emerges as a guiding force in instilling crucial financial skills in young minds. Through the seamless integration of its safe phones for kids with the Greenlight app, Troomi offers practical, real-life scenarios that challenge students to apply their financial knowledge. This dynamic approach, blending interactive apps with tangible experiences, not only demystifies financial concepts but also fosters a sense of fiscal responsibility and confidence in money management. Troomi’s commitment, coupled with Greenlight’s monitoring capabilities, ensures that students acquire financial knowledge and develop the skills to make informed economic choices, laying the foundation for a financially adept and independent adulthood.

Interested in learning more? Click here.

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