World Humanitarian Day: Honoring Those Who Serve and How You Can Get Involved

Every year on August 19th, the world comes together to honor humanitarian efforts and recognize the dedicated individuals who risk their lives to help others in need. World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is a day to celebrate the spirit of humanity, acknowledge the challenges faced by humanitarian workers, and inspire collective action to make the world a better place. In this blog post, we will delve into the history of World Humanitarian Day, explore how you can get involved as a family, child, or individual, and highlight the importance of humanitarian work in our global community.

The History of World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 to commemorate the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, which resulted in the deaths of 22 humanitarian workers, including the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello. This tragic event highlighted the dangers faced by humanitarian workers and the need to protect and support them in their efforts to help those in crisis.

Since its inception, WHD has grown into a global movement, bringing together governments, organizations, and individuals to advocate for humanitarian causes. Each year, WHD focuses on a specific theme to raise awareness about pressing humanitarian issues and mobilize people to take action. Past themes have included the protection of civilians in conflict, the fight against hunger, and the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations.

How to Get Involved as a Family

Participating in World Humanitarian Day as a family can be a meaningful way to teach children about compassion, empathy, and the importance of helping others. Here are some ways your family can get involved:

  1. Volunteer Together: Find local organizations that need volunteers and sign up as a family. This could include food banks, shelters, or community centers. Volunteering together can strengthen family bonds and instill a sense of service in children.
  2. Host a Fundraiser: Organize a bake sale, garage sale, or car wash to raise funds for a humanitarian organization. This is a great way to involve children in planning and executing an event for a good cause.
  3. Participate in Awareness Campaigns: Join online campaigns or attend local events that support humanitarian causes. Use social media to spread awareness about WHD and share stories of humanitarian efforts that inspire you.
  4. Educational Activities: Plan activities that teach children about different cultures, global issues, and the importance of humanitarian work. Watch documentaries, read books, or invite guest speakers to share their experiences.

How to Get Involved as a Child

Children can play a significant role in supporting humanitarian efforts and making a positive impact in their communities. Here are some ways children can get involved:

  1. Acts of Kindness: Encourage children to perform small acts of kindness, such as helping a neighbor, donating toys, or writing letters to those in need. These simple gestures can make a big difference.
  2. School Projects: Children can create projects or presentations about humanitarian issues to share with their classmates. This can help raise awareness and inspire other students to get involved.
  3. Join Youth Groups: Many organizations have youth programs that focus on community service and humanitarian work. Joining these groups can provide children with opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute to meaningful causes.
  4. Advocacy: Teach children about advocacy and how they can use their voices to support important causes. They can write letters to government officials, create posters, or participate in awareness campaigns.

How to Get Involved as an Individual

Even if you don’t have a family or children, there are still plenty of ways to contribute to humanitarian efforts as an individual:

  1. Donate: Financial contributions to reputable humanitarian organizations can provide critical support for their efforts. Even small donations can make a big difference.
  2. Volunteer Your Skills: Offer your professional skills, such as medical expertise, legal advice, or technical support, to organizations that need them. Many organizations seek volunteers with specialized skills.
  3. Raise Awareness: Use your social media platforms to share information about WHD and the importance of humanitarian work. Encourage your followers to get involved and support humanitarian causes.
  4. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about global issues and humanitarian crises. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to advocate for and support those in need.
  5. Support Local Initiatives: Get involved in local community service projects. Helping those in your own community can have a ripple effect and inspire others to join in.


World Humanitarian Day is a reminder of the power of compassion and the impact that humanitarian work has on our global community. By getting involved, whether as a family, child, or individual, you can contribute to the efforts to alleviate suffering and promote peace. Let’s honor the brave humanitarian workers around the world and take action to make a difference. Together, we can create a more compassionate and just world.