Why Sarah Chooses Troomi
“I love Troomi for our family because it allows us to help our older kids through the transition of learning to use technology safely. We have so many options to change settings, app options, and even how/who they can communicate with. I love that we get to help them transition into maturity in a guarded, protected way. Troomi is a huge blessing to our family as we navigate life with older kiddos.”
— Sarah McGowen
Birth coach and home school mama
More About Sarah
Hi, I’m Sarah! I’m a wife, homeschool mama, and labor and delivery RN. I started my personal brand in Jan 2024, as we work towards debt-free. I have been a nurse for 15 years, and most of that time was spent loving on moms and babies. While still working at the bedside, I’ve started sharing my life as a homeschool mom & nurse. Now, I make money from home helping mamas rock their pregnancies, labors, and beyond!”