Nitty Gritty Podcast: Bill Brady’s Story

Jennifer Johnson

Our CEO, Bill Brady, was recently interviewed on the Nitty Gritty podcast, which shares stories of working hard, solving problems, and reaching success. The Nitty Gritty focuses on improving and progressing, and Bill shares how Troomi is all about helping kids do just that.

From hockey injuries growing up in Canada to his love of the Utah mountains, Bill talks through how he came to be the co-founder and CEO of a kids’ phone company, including concerns for his own children around technology.

He said as he became a parent, he realized, “I don’t want my kids spending all their time on screens. I don’t want the screen to be the default for life. I want them playing outside, getting into mischief like I did when I was a kid, having the kid experience.”Listen to the full podcast here.