Andrea Davis Special Offer

Get $50 off a Troomi Phone

Use promo code: BST

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Why Andrea Chooses Troomi

At Better Screen Time, we’re all about helping families find a healthy balance with technology. Troomi phones seem like a great tool to explore for parents who want to give their kids some independence with a phone while keeping safety a priority. I’d recommend checking out their features and seeing if they align with your family’s tech plan.
— Andrea Davis Owner of Better Screen Time

More About Andrea

Five years ago I sat across the kitchen table telling my oldest daughter I made a mistake giving her a smartphone too soon. Since then through online courses, I’ve helped 1000+ parents find a way to have a healthy relationship with their screens, let their kids be kids, and teach their families values. I would love to help you do the same.

Get $50 Off A Troomi phone

Use promo code: BST